We all have inner children, even though we may not be aware of them.

Your inner child holds all the memories and emotions of past events.   When you  have a deep emotion, such as fear, anger, sadness, guilt or shame, it is coming from your inner child.  An inner child can be any age.  It isn’t always a young child, although many times it is.

It is  important to acknowledge your inner child and help him/her to feel safe.  Many of us did not feel safe to feel our feelings when we were younger, or we were not heard or validated when emotions came up.  So, we pushed them down and did not allow ourselves to feel them.

These feelings are now stored in our bodies and they come out when least expected.  When this happens, it is important to work with your inner child and comfort them, love them, and let them feel whatever they feel.

In an inner child healing session, we explore different aspects of your inner child and, as we work with them, they calm down.  It’s about giving your inner child permission to feel whatever they’re feeling and love them anyway.  As they feel safe and loved, they will let go of any old emotions that aren’t serving them, and then they will integrate with your  energy.

Sometimes the inner children are separated  and we work with them so they can reconnect with you.  This is a soul retrieval, getting back all parts of yourself.

As you integrate these inner children, you will be triggered less and less and be calmer,  more peaceful, and more present in your body.


