Soul Retrieval is a process of connecting with and reintegrating all parts of yourself that have been separated.

When we go through traumas or challenging situations, many times parts of our soul will separate.  Soul retrieval is a process of retrieving these parts so they can integrate with you.  They are part of you and can help you feel more whole, grounded and connected to your body.

I call these soul parts inner children.  They can be any age, but oftentimes they are from childhood.  They may be different ages, or sometimes different aspects of the same age.  These parts may feel lonely, afraid, and just want to be loved.  As we bring in these parts, they feel more loved because they are connected to you.  This is where they belong.

As these parts integrate, your inner child feels the connection to you and feels loved, wanted, heard and validated.  You can give this child everything that you didn’t get when you were that age.  As your inner child feels these feelings, you will also feel them. You may notice that you feel less fearful, safer and connected to yourself.

This process is very gentle and can return you to wholeness.